Video Game Review #2: Yoshi Commits Tax Fraud Deluxe

The game I will be talking about is Yoshi Commits Tax Fraud Deluxe. In this game you play as Yoshi. You have to fake your identity and move to Azerbaijan. It’s a very tough progress and you have to find a fake Id without getting caught by the undercover police. However, Halfway through the game the IRS (the game takes place in the US) finds about you not playing taxes. Since you owe the IRS $1,700,000 in taxes you become one of the most wanted criminals on the street and the police will arrest you whenever they see you and so will a few people will report and arrest you. Another issue you will come across is having to fly to Azerbaijan. Due to background checks you cant take a commercial flight to Azerbaijan. When I played I found the way but I cannot tell you because that ruins the fun. I will also not talk about Funky mode because that will also ruin the fun. Overall this game gets an A+ and is a must play for gamers.yoshi tax fraud

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